Fun Facts About Me, Jayne Graham!
February 15 2021 – Jayne Graham
Well I really wanted to answer these questions myself as they are a bit of fun! So here goes, here are 10 fun facts about me, Jayne Graham - Owner & Curator of this website you are on Cranmore Home & Co.
1. What is your favourite product from your shop and why– no pressure 😊?
Well, being the owner and curator I can’t be seen being biased to any brand! But I do love Pony Rider, Bedtonic, Uniqwa, The Paper Mill Studios, Mustard Made, Pop Up Desks, Al.ive Body … have I missed anyone 😊?

I like to try and source boutique brands, not ones you can find in major retailers or all over the internet. I do not import any products myself so I try and find unique Australian businesses that are sourcing or manufacturing their own products and include them in our store. I love this part of the job!
3. What are some of your other favourite artists or creatives that inspire you?I am a big fan of both Emma Mills from the Paper Mills Studio and Karina Jambrak, I love how they have both taken their creative passions and turned them into their businesses, it takes guts to do that and I think it is awesome. Plus I don’t have a creative bone in my body, I’ve tried everything from block printing to embroidery and I have to stick to running a business!

5. What is your favourite Netflix/stan/binge watch programme and why?
My list goes for ages, I think I have watched everything. My favourite must be Outlander, I am in love with Jamie Fraser! Others include Bridgeton, Bump, Billions, Sex Education and I really love Zoe's Extraordinary Play List, made me cry a few times though …. And so many more!!
6. What do you love to do when you are not working?
Give me a swim in the ocean (flat and glassy), followed by a day spa treatment and dinner out .. oh sorry I’m daydreaming! When I’m not working I am being MUM! And watching Netflix! I do love both.
7. What would you say is your spirit animal, and why?
Hmmmm, maybe a meerkat. Loves to hide away most of the time, but when above ground I love to be surrounded by my family and friends. Also love a good laugh, and I always think of “Alan, Alan, Alan” (you must google Alan and Meerkat if you don’t know what I am talking about) when I think of Meerkats which is right up my alley when it comes to sense of humour!

8. If you could invite anyone to dinner to have your favourite meal who would be around your table and why (you have 5 seats)?
My Dad – he has been gone over 13 year and I miss him! He would also love Jamie!
Jamie Fraser – Outlander
Jamie Fraser – Outlander
Jamie Fraser – Outlander
Jamie Fraser – Outlander
9. What is something that not many people know about you (that you are happy to share 😊)
I am super scared of waves due a close to drowning experience as a teenager? Love the ocean but it needs to be dead flat or little waves I can go under without feeling like I'm going through a washing machine!
10. What wise words would you give a younger version of yourself?
It’s ok not to know what you want to do when you are younger! Follow a passion that you love and see if you can make it your future and then you will love doing it every day. Experience is key and enjoy life - you only have one!
I do hope you enjoyed getting to know me a little bit better!
Love, Jayne x